Online Education A Good Option

Online Education A Good Option?

If you look back centuries ago, as back as the year 1800 there are documents of students writing assignments and tests via postal services proving the existence of Online Education in the early industrial era. It must have been a rare thing in education back then but as education has evolved, Online Education has gained tremendous popularity in recent years with the inclusion of e-learning and online courses. In India, formerly, Online Education was standardized by the Online Education Council (DEC) of India which was transferred to University Grants Commission (UGC) in December 2012. Let’s read on why and how you should apply for distance learning courses.

Distance learning is a great option for people living in remote areas with poor education facility or classroom programs around their neighbourhood. It’s also widely opted by working professionals who are trying to upgrade their qualification. The most common doubt while opting for Online Education in any professionals or students mind is that of the validity of the degree and the scope of the course. If an individual will be getting a job after the course depends solely on his/her skillsets, knowledge and professionalism.

Due to the growing popularity of Online Education, institutes in India have started distance learning courses. Many reputed institutes, as well as universities, provide a plethora of courses to choose from. Working professionals and full-time students can now opt for distance UG courses, distance PG courses, dual degree courses, PG diploma or certification courses. Even though there are many options available for courses as well as university, you should consider a well-recognized institute for your Online Education course or check with experts at and understand the validity and credibility of various certifications. One of the best known national university for distance learning.

It’s a common misconception among people thinking distance learning courses and its degree is not viable in a highly competitive job market. But the truth is that the majority of working professionals in the competitive job market like data science and digital marketing have acquired distance learning degree and employers and organizations value it equally. So do not worry about missing a full-time classroom course. If you have the zeal to study, make use of the opportunity and enrol yourself for a distance learning course.

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